Events Diary
Details of folk events in Devon

Devon Folk
Promoting folk music, dance and song in Devon

Whats Afoot
The folk magazine for Devon published three times a year by Devon Folk

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Subscriptions and Membership

Devon Folk supports all kinds of folk activity throughout the County and publishes the magazine What’s Afoot 3 times a year. Membership of Devon Folk is available to:
Any person paying an annual subscription for What's afoot (Currently £5.00
Any person paying the annual Devon Folk membership fee (Currently £2.00)
Any club engaged in folk activities in Devon, on payment of annual fee (currently £10.00)
Any member of EFDSS living in Devon and any affiliated club in Devon.

The Club membership fee includes 3 issues per year of What’s Afoot, sent to two nominated
members of that club, who receive Devon Folk membership benefits on behalf of the club.

Individual members of the English Folk Dance & Song Society living in Devon are automatically
entitled to free membership of Devon Folk. There is no need to register. Clubs in Devon affiliated to EFDSS are also entitled to free club membership of Devon Folk but are required to register names of two contact persons.

There is no free magazine entitlement for EFDSS members or nominated members of EFDSS clubs, for whom the normal magazine subscription rates above will apply.

All member clubs must provide names and contact details of their two members who will receive Devon Folk membership benefits on behalf of the club. This also applies to EFDSS affiliates.

Download membership application form